Hidden Gems by Regine Schumann
As part of the Hidden Gems exhibition at Machwerkschau #3, Regine Schumann transformed a 180 metre-long tunnel into a luminous production. Together with the lighting design office Kunstlicht Köln and Buschfeld Design, eight fluorescent artworks were illuminated to show off their unique radiance. Our specially developed black light luminaires provided the perfect backdrop for this fascinating installation.
The positive response has inspired us to add these luminaires to our product range in the near future, so that we can showcase works of art such as Regine Schumann's even better in the future.

Project Pass
Temporary installation / track system
- Pend48 with flat clip magnet mounting sets
- Customised black light luminaires for this exhibition
(see picture below)
Read more about the exhibition here >

Regine Schumann >
Lighting designer: Kunstlicht Köln > | Buschfeld Design
Photos: Buschfeld Design
Read the full story about the Hidden Gems exhibition during machwerkschau#3 here >