led line and led strip
Led Line

Led Line: The Led Line uplighter module delivers uniform indirect lighting across the ceiling. Ideal for corridors or as auxiliary or safety lighting. The lighting module is inserted into the upper channel of the pendant mounted track, allowing system luminaires for Pend track to be mounted on the underside of the track, as always. Led Line combines innovative LED technology with the classic linear design of the Pend system (12V) or Sense System (48V).

product information - Led Line

Led Strip: The slimline linear LED luminaire delivers a clear, clean line of light. Led Strip can be applied as an individual luminaire. In combination with the Buschfeld recessed track system, Led Strip can be applied in the dry construction profile. In this case, sections of In48 recessed track alternate with Led Strip modules. The Led Strip modules can be interconnected easily and without tools to form a line of light. Led Strip can be applied with both the LightLight system and Sense System.

product information - Led Strip

Led Strip
Led Strip can be used as a solitary luminaire. You can find an example of this in the exhibition architecture "Full House: Design by Stefan Diez". Led Strip is used in a shelf.

Further information / links:
product information - Led Line
product information - Led Strip
Inspiration for Sense System Spots